
Ethics and Society Minor

Ethics and Society Mission:

The minor aims to acquaint students with the ethical insights derived from philosophical and religious traditions and to allow them to apply such insights in response to concrete social problems.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Graduates will possess knowledge of a range of religious worldviews.
  • Graduates will develop facility in philosophical argumentation and analysis.
  • Graduates will understand the dialectical relationship between religious and philosophical worldviews and the societies within which they are embedded.
  • Graduates will understand how worldviews and philosophical analysis might be applied to analyze and respond constructively to issues of societal concern.

Minor Requirements

CORE - PL125 OR RE150 
+ 1 course from PL100, RE100 OR RE215
+ 1 course form Ethical Issues from Public Life: PL150, PL215, PL225, RE250
+ 3 courses from Thinking about Society: CJ115, CJ205, CJ22, CJ305, CJ307, CJ330, CJ380, CJ385, EC435, EC450, EC455, HS330, HS355, HS412, HS420, MC150, PS215, PS300, PS350, PS420, PY331, PY341, PY342, SC100, SC232, SC275, SC320, SC321, SC326, SC329, SC340, SC450




  • HN 490 substitutes for PL 125 or RE 150 
  • HN 390 substitutes for one Thinking About Society course
  • Students may “double dip” no more than 12 hours total from general education and major coursework, with no more than 6 hours from either
Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Ethical Issues in Public Life - one course from

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Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits