The following grades and their grade point value per credit hour are used to indicate the quality of a graduate student's coursework:
A | 4 |
B | 3 |
C | 2 |
F | 0 |
Academic work may also be given the following rating:
Incomplete (IN)
In rare instances, the Vice President of Academic Affairs can deem extreme extenuating circumstances that prohibit a student from completing a course. Under such circumstance and only with the prior approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Division Dean/Chair and the faculty member, a student can receive an incomplete grade. The maximum time frame for this work to be completed is by the close of the next semester (fall, spring, summer) but is to be determined by the faculty member. If the incomplete work is not completed by the agreed upon time frame, an automatic F will be assigned. An incomplete does not apply to the GPA.
Withdrawal (W)
The last day for withdrawal from a course will be a date as set annually on the academic calendar. A grade of "W" is given through week twelve of the semester. . Withdrawal from school is also withdrawal from classes.
Medical Withdrawal
A student may request a medical withdrawal at any point in the semester prior to the final exam week. Students that wish to withdraw due to a medical reason should submit a request in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and include all evidence. Evidence must include documentation from the student's healthcare provider indicating the withdrawal is necessary, and should include diagnosis, onset date, treatment dates and prognosis. Students who withdraw are subject to the MVC refund policy. Before re-enrolling at Missouri Valley College, there must be documentation from the healthcare provider that the student is ready to return.
Pass/Fail (P/F)
Students (sophomore and above) have the option of selecting one course per term for the pass/fail grade. This declaration must be made by the date specified on the academic calendar. The request must bear the signature of the student, faculty advisor, and the Registrar. The pass/fail option, once exercised, is binding for the term. Courses in the major or minor or classes previously taken for a grade may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. Courses in the graduate program may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Audit (AU)
A course audited does not provide a grade or credit hours.
Repeat - Undergraduate Students:
Courses in which a student has received a grade of "D" or "F" may be repeated. The latest repeat grade in such cases will be the grade of record. Courses with a grade of "C" or above may not be repeated, unless a grade of B or higher is required by the major. All courses will have a repeat limit 3 times. If a course is failed three times, a fourth attempt will not be permitted without the permission of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Graduate Students:
Graduate students are allowed to repeat a maximum of two different courses in order to raise grades of “C” or one course in order to raise a grade of “F.” In no case will a student be allowed to repeat a course twice. Transcripts will reflect assignment of both grades; however, the grade for the first attempt will have the letter “R” next to it. Only the second attempt grade is used when computing the grade point average.