Degrees and Certificates
Dance Major -
Dance Minor
DN 100: Jazz I
DN 102: Dance Appreciation
DN 105: Introduction to Dance Technique
Introduction to dance will cover basic ballet, modern and jazz technique. This course is recommended for the novice dancer, admirers of dance and athletes. It will focus on basic anatomy and alignment that is necessary for all three styles of dance while increasing students' balance, strength, coordination and flexibility. Repeat twice for a max of 6 hours
DN 115: Conditioning for Dancers
DN 120: Tap I
DN 130: Modern I
DN 140: Ballet I
DN 149: Special Topics
DN 200: Jazz II
DN 100.
DN 220: Tap II
DN 120.
DN 230: Modern Dance II
DN 130. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours.
DN 240: Ballet II
DN 140.
DN 249: Special Topics
DN 250: Dance Improvisation
A beginners exploration into the possibilities of human movement through free improvisations and group structures. Improvisation techniques will be introduced as a creative tool for dance composition. The use of music, text, props and improvisation for performance will also be explored. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours.
Sophomore level.
DN 299: MVC Repertory Dance Ensemble
DN 300: Choreography I
DN 250.
DN 301: History of Dance
DN 330: Modern Dance III
DN 230.
DN 340: Ballet III
DN 240.
DN 349: Special Topics
DN 350: Choreography II
DN 300.
DN 376: Independent Study
Permission of the instructor, division dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
DN 401: Dance Internship
Permission of department.
DN 449: Special Topics
DN 476: Independent Study
Permission of the instructor, division dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
DN 480: Dance Portfolio
DN 485: Senior Project in Dance
senior standing, or permission of instructor.